Division SG-DXV

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-06-16 08:15:11
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-06-17 02:49:43


Firstly, my in-game name is Dr. Knockers. Always has been, and always will.
Secondly, my Steam name username is also Dr. Knockers

Now, what did bring me ti Seismic, and in specific, the Mordhau division? The answer is both simple and complex. Simply put, I've come to abhor randomly connected games. At first, it definitely scratched the itch of the game. I mean, chopping people up, pressing V an ungodly amount of times? Come on.

However, as time has gone on and I'm approaching only about 60 hours in the game, even now I'm itching for something more. I'm tired of talking to myself and trying to rely on randomly selected teammates to have my back, when the only the thing that tends to have my back is a rapier piercing it when I'm not looking. I've been craving the interaction of a coordinated team, or even yet, a coordinated squad would be preferable to running about by myself.

As far as what makes me who I am, I am a very laid back person and player. I definitely get into the game and I always play to win, but I don't get completely distraught if I'm simply out-played. This game is meant to be fun and serious, but at the same time it doesn't take itself seriously, which I love. It gives you the option to go all-out, or mess around and rock out in a stable with a bard while war rages around you.

Currently I work in the law enforcement community. I was a jail deputy for a time, and after that ...interesting... experience, have now have transferred on to the administration side which involves case/record completion and a whole bunch of legal stuff that I can't really get into. My timeline will hopefully lead to being a street police officer in my town within 1-2 years.

My current occupation (8-5pm) allows for some fun times to be had on Mordhau, while unfortunately all of my friends seem to have drifted. I'm very much looking for an inclusive community who's primary focus is to have a good time, but can also turn on the "hardcore" mentality in a game. For example, if a game is coming to the wire, I would love to be in a group that can help turn the tide of a battle. A game is fantastic and fun, but when it gets down to it I'd love to participate in a squad that suddenly "flips the switch" and can go hard in the paint. As an individual, this is nearly impossible to accomplish unless you're Trix.

Additionally, I do appreciate that you all host community-inclusive events as well. I was reading that you offer practices within the clan itself, and this would be very fun as well. I do have experience in a clan as well, which I'll touch on below.

I'm not sure how familiar some of you are with the game Day of Defeat: Source, but this game was my prime. I was a member of the Edge Gamers Organization (eGO), a clan with thousands of members (even now). Back in the prime of DoD, I was involved when it was only a few hundred strong. As I spent my time there, I became a full-fledged admin with full administrative responsibilities, and we used to host and compete in many different in-clan competitions. I'm no stranger to the running of a large gaming community, and albeit this was a few years ago, I do still carry the experience of being in a large clan and holding a leadership position. That being said, I'm not asking for leadership in the slightest with this application. I'm merely specifying that I have participated in this type of community before, and it was also the highlight of my gaming experience.

To make a long application short, I very much enjoy Mordhau. So much so, that it gives me a joy I haven't truly felt since DoD, and I'd love to participate in a community that can PTFO together, whether that is laughing with a lute, or slicing heads with reckless abandon.

I'm always available for questions, and I thank you for your time.

-Dr. Knockers, aka Kyle

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