Division Smite

Division Name
Divison Game
Member Count
Application Status
Secondary Members

Welcome to the Smite division!

In the Smite division we're looking to create a friendly, respectful, non-toxic and engaging community for people to have fun and find friends to play this awesome game with.

We have players that enjoy all kinds of modes from Joust to Assault and we hope that you will find the kind of players that you are looking for!

Smite FAQ
Does Seismic have an ingame clan?
Yes we do. Just look up Seismic Gaming [SEIGA] and join it!

Do I have to be in the clan?
No you do not have too, but it does make it easier for members to find each other.

Do I have to put SG in my name in-game?
No you do not . You are welcome to add it to your in-game name if you want to, but it's not required.

See you in the battleground of the Gods!

If you feel like you're a mature and friendly person and are looking to be an active member within a clan, then Seismic can be the place for you.

We only have a couple of requirements for new applicants:
‣ You are 18+
‣ You have a mic. After 2 weeks of no voice activity members are kicked from the division, meaning a working mic is essential.

This is NOT A COMPETITIVE TEAM. We are a simple casual community doing casual community things.

When filling out an application, give a description of the type of person you are, any hobbies you might have and any other gaming related info about yourself. Just so we know a little bit about who we're letting into our clan!