Division SG-DXV

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-05-15 14:17:02
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-05-15 22:29:49

In-Game and Steam name: SpookyTurtle

My real name is Patrick and i'm from The Netherlands. I've been a fanatic gamer since i was young which eventually led to gaming becoming my main hobby that i spent most of my time doing. Lately i've really been enjoying Mordhau which i immediately bought after seeing it online since i'm a huge fan of medieval warfare. At first the difficulty of the game gave me a rough awakening. I used to play For Honor which i was really good at but Mordhau is a vastly different experience and so i struggled a lot in the beginning. After many hours of practice i'm starting to improve rather quickly and so i've started looking for others to play and train with, not only to improve my skills but also to have a good time since everything is more fun when playing with others. Until now i've always played on my own which is still fun but i really wanted to play with others, which is why i went looking for clans and found you guys. I also found a lot of other clans but most of the ones i found were massive communities with thousands of members which i wasn't what i was looking for. I enjoy medium sized clans where you can almost always find others to play with while not feeling like a singular ant in an entire colony, and thus i decided i wanted to join you guys. I'm mainly looking for a good time playing with others and i hope i'll be able to do that here.

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