Division SG-DXV

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-05-14 01:11:50
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-05-14 03:56:29

In Game Name: Conundrum
Steam Username: Oblivious71

I found Seismic while looking for a group to play Mordhau with. I love the game and generally have a good time with it but I'm willing to bet I can get even more out of it with a more organized group, or just some folks to have a laugh with when I inevitably take a spear in the back of the head from one of them.

As for me, I love table top games of all sorts, video games of all varieties (I suck at pretty much all of them, but hey it's fun). I work full time as the Director of Project Management for a smallish company that operates in the Midwest and East Coast of the Untied States... I'm trying to learn piano and it's horribly difficult. That's about it. Looking forward to saying hello.

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