Division SG-DXV

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-05-05 18:04:07
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-05-05 20:28:31

I'm a 20 year old uni student from London, I'd like to consider myself funny but failing that I'm a friendly person and I like to crack a lot of dumb jokes. I've never joined a clan before so I wanted to see what it was like. After seeing a post on reddit I decided to check this website out and found it was really well presented. I've only got 2 friends on Mordhau so being part of a clan with a Mordhau division would allow me to meet new people and make more friends to play with. I like the sense of community at Seismic including the 3 houses which adds some friendly competition in the mix. I've been a part of a gaming community before when I used to be addicted to San Andreas Multiplayer when I was younger and was one of the most known people there, but the community started turning toxic (corrupt moderators, owner didn't care anymore) so I decided to leave with a bunch of friends. My interests are mainly watching movies and TV shows (GoT made me want to pick up Mordhau) and gaming, my most played games recently are Mordhau, CS:GO, and Fifa 19. My steam name changes a lot based on inside jokes with some friends (my current name is littlefinger). I hope i can become an active member of the community and thank you for reading my life story :)

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