Division SG-DXV

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-03-11 03:44:17
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-03-16 14:22:06

Hey, i'm Lava, a mid 20's guy from Portugal who just finds gaming the best way to ease my mind, take a break and (most of the time) have fun.
I spent a lot of time in games like LOL and CS:GO but i was never in any clans/teams, hell i barely had friends to play with, going solo 95% of the time no matter the game and that always made me sad but i had trouble with that sort of thing, maybe because i wasn't ready or willing to deal with toxicity (sure you know how the community can be in those games) and even if most people are nice it's always the bad ones that leave a mark. I was never a fan of group activities, instead i just like music books and cinema maybe that helps explain my uneasiness in this regard. But nevgermind that, just rumbling a bit.
I started playing D2 on a whim just under 2 months ago and i love it, still learning of course but i really love it. I have been playing mostly solo but even most people i find in random matchmaking are awesome, i don't have a single bad experience with other players and i'm not sure if i'm just lucky or it's overall just a nice community, either way this made me want to look for a group to belong, to keep learning and in the future to help other like myself to find a place to have fun.
(All that and playing solo really makes it hard to enjoy the game and explore all it's features...)
Gaming aside for a bit, i do have a full time job with a weird rotating schedule, so in the same week i can be playing at night, morning and afternoon...

So now regarding the info, here it goes;
IGN - LavaInfusion
B.Tag - LavaInfusion#2259
I took a look around the lookingforaclan website and after looking into a few descriptions and website i just had the feeling you had the best mix of "try-hard" and "casual" and can't explain why this place just feels more welcoming.

Anyhow, this is it for now, feel free to ask any follow up questions and i'm looking forward to play with you.

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