Division SG-DXV

Application Status
Date Submitted
2018-12-09 05:47:03
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2018-12-09 18:24:41

-What do you like to do apart from playing Destiny?
this really depends on the weather/season. snowboarding in the winter, river time in the summer

-We already know you are interested in video games since you made it to this page, so tell us more about the other things you like to do!
well please see above and i like trap shooting and archery if its not too windy out

-What are your Hobbies?
haha i think we have that covered

-What’s your favorite color?
exotic yellow!! but really black and grey

-Where are you from? (Don’t have to be exact, just gives us an idea of your time zone (: )

-Maybe even what kinda job you have?
metrology lead

-Going to school for anything?
na past all that

-In game name?
really depends on the game but D2 it is manjusri

-battle.net username ?

-what brought you to Seismic and to our Division?
really sick of running solo in D2 and i dont want tp pug raids and what not, just need to try to find a spot in a open clan and start getting myself and others through all the game has to offer

thanks guys, hope i can make the cut

p.s. oh yeah, Cayde!!!!

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