Division SG-DXIX

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-03-29 13:21:32
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-03-29 21:25:40

Hi team,

Bio details:
Name: Josh
Age: 29
Location: UK
Language: English

Profession: I am the service delivery manager for an ISP in the UK. I ensure that the team delivers the services according to the clients expectations.

Interests: I enjoy playing PC games and I also enjoy building the PC's themselves. I have also been known to dabble in the WH 40K universe and I think we can all agree that the first title Dawn of War is an absolute classic. in terms of active interests I enjoy Airsoft.

Reason for application: One of my friends and I have been having a hard time gathering interest for the game within our player group so we are currently sitting at three players. As such we need to find a much larger group of players so we can engage in end game content and DZ PvP. The number of games that you as a community also play is a bonus, Anthem, Fallout 76 and Conan for example.

My current game list: Anthem, Division 2, Fallout 76, Conan Exiles and EvE Online.

Total Division 2 play time: 72hrs
Anthem gear rating: Masterwork
Fallout 76 Level: 86
Conan Level: 27


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