Division SG-DXIX

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-03-29 05:38:54
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-03-29 21:23:52

I work a not so exciting job in banking and I'm currently in graduate school. Video games, comics, and the local sports teams keep me sane. I'm recently engaged and have a hilarious french bulldog who you can hear snoring through my mic from time to time. I want to join Seismic to improve my in-game experiences. My old Destiny crew has grown apart and I want to join a new squad who I can jump in and contribute to. I'm currently playing Division 2, Destiny 2, and Anthem but I'm always open for picking up a new game if people are active and enjoying it. Looking forward to meeting you all, if you'll have me!

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