Division SG-DXIX

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-03-22 14:20:03
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-03-22 21:23:36

I've been PC gaming since I was about 8 and to this day it is my #1 hobby. My first game was Wolfenstein 3D. I love seeing how far the industry has come and I love testing the reviewers on the value of any game I find interesting. Aside from that building custom PC's and hiking are my main hobbies. I love connecting with like-minded people in games and creating a solid team with a competitive edge. If you really know your team, their nuances, quirks, and skills, you can go really far. (I've never done tournaments though, work has me restricted there) I also enjoy casual gaming with exploration and survival.

As for work I am a heavy equipment operator for an excavation company and I've dabbled in GPS equipment for job layout. I work a lot during the week and rare weeknights and weekends are where I game the most. Often times I work 3 hours away from home so we have to rent a house and its not always viable to bring my PC with me so I may be gone during the week.

I want to join Seismic because I like how organized your website is. I'm looking for mature people. I have a childhood friend already in SG and likely more of us to follow.

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