Division SG-DXIX

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-03-22 06:56:21
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-03-22 21:23:58

I am a 30 yr old dude from West Virgina USA. I'm an ER nurse by profession and work night shift. Once the wife goes to sleep, I have 5 and 6 hr blocks of gaming availability, 3 or 4 nights a week. I have recently made the switch to PC from PS4 and, I am ashamed to say, my accuracy leaves something to be desired. This is why I am listing Division 2 as my primary game. While I love the BF franchise, I am just not very good on PC yet. While I was very competitive on console, I never joined a clan and now that I'm on PC, I'm ready to commit to a large and active group.
I enjoy all things gaming. My wife and I play DnD, many board and card games, and some PC games (I'm still training her up). I enjoy RTS, turn based, city building, RPG, FPS, and really any kind of game that challenges my brain and keeps my fingers happy. I like to win, but I love good team play. Its funny how one usually leads to the other. What I do not enjoy, is griefing or trolling. We want to maintain the player base of our favorite games, and shitting on people isn't a very good way to do that.
When I play a multiplayer game, I usually take it seriously, because I don't want to waste my or anyone else's time. Not that there isn't time to goof off, but if I wanna dick around, I'll go play Terraria.
My preferred role on any team is the role that is needed at that moment. I usually gravitate towards tank, healing, and support builds, and enjoy swapping between them depending on need. I played sports my whole life and was an EMT before becoming a nurse. I know how how to follow orders, take direction, and communicate effectively. Just let me know what you need, and I'm happy to provide.

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