Division SG-DXIX

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-03-13 20:47:21
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-03-14 00:50:43

Going a bit off what was shown in the other BIO requirements, here's a bit about me.

I'm a dad, one who works hard but still enjoys his games. I'm a thirty five year old former United States Marine who moved to the Netherlands about 9 years back to live with a wonderful dutch woman. We have a four year old boy this coming May. I enjoy active communities and a bit of balance between work, life, and play.

When I sit down to game, I take it for what it is: Fun. I also try to value it, and what I put into it as it's precious. I'm an avid participant in the "tactical realism" world in games like ARMA3 and Post Scriptum, but the organization I would normally engage with doesn't plan to support Division 2. That's the 7th Cavalry Tactical Gaming Regiment and I've been a member / leader there for going on 11 years i think.

I love the world, of the Divsion, and I'm hoping to find awesome folks to engage with within the world, sling some virtual lead out of well articulated pixels and retake DC.

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