Division SG-DXIX

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-03-06 23:20:02
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-03-06 23:20:31

Hello my name is Michael V,
I am 27 years old was born in th eNetherlands but currently live in Berlin, Germany.
I am a software engineer and am currently building web apps for an online marketing company. The dream is to one day become a freelancer (own company). When it comes to games I enjoy any type of genre. All the games that I have played is way to long to list but I will present you with my five most played games: World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Diablo 3, PUBG.
Currently I am playing a lot of Apex Legends and am really looking forward to The Division 2. This is why I decided to hit up this clan. I have never been part of a clan so this will be a first for me. I normally find people in the games that I play but unfortunately lose contact to them when they move on.
Most of the games I play I tend to do at a pretty high level. Played League of Legends at Diamond 2. Hit 2.4k rating in WoW Arenas and I am currently level 83 in Apex Legends with 100+ kills as kill leader. I am looking for like minded people who are not just good at the game but are also really interesting IRL and chill to hang out with. When I am not gaming I enjoy doing sports, used to play a lot when I was little but mainly stick to resistance training probably going into calisthenics.

I hope to find some cool people to start playing The Division 2.
P.S: Didnt find a the division 2 channel in discord, is this still coming?

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