Division Destiny 2

Event Details

Destiny 2

Experienced -SotP & Crown of Sorrows W/Riot

Event has finished


Event: Experienced SotP and CoS
Raid: **SotP and CoS**
Power Req.: 735-750
Event Date: 2019/7/19
N/A: 7:00 PM EDT

__If you would like to sign up for the event just DM me in time (ideally at least 12h before we kick off) to let me know if we may need more than one raid team to give everyone a chance to attend__

Also: **please inform me if you can NOT attend the raid as soon as you know that you won’t be able to make it**

Gear Requirements: **Cluster Rocket Launcher** (e.g. Bad Omen) **Thunderlord, IKELOS_SG**

**Class Requirements (min.):**
2 x Warlock - Well of Radiance
1 x Hunter – Celestial/Tether

__**Raid Team 1**__

Ft. 1:
Ft. 2:



Participants (4)