Name: Josh
29, male, UK based.
- Which games are you focusing on?
Destiny 2, Apex Legends and WoW.
- Some biographic information (e.g. professions, other hobbies, sports etc.)
Work title: Systems engineer
Studying masters degree part-time
Hobbies - mainly just gaming and football.
- The reason why you would like to join Seismic
After moving from console only based clan I am looking for a mature social environment that caters for casual and competitive players.
-Are you free to play or have you bought Shadowkeep and/or the current season?
All the current expacs and will have Beyond Light.
Make sure the name you choose on this website / discord is the same as you’re in game alias (steam name)!
Ok so my in-game name may be one of the following; PeaJob or DL10-Pea ... the servers went down as I was changing my steam details...