- my most played game is Destiny 2, which is why i'm applying to join.
i'was really a fan of the old "modern era" battlefields, so bf 3 and bf4. generally i enjoy shooters but starting to also getting in to rpg, witcher 3 to be specific.
- I'm a Signal man, just go ahead and look it up it is a thing. I work for the biggest Swiss railway company.
the hobby that brings me the most joy is skiing, but that is very expensive, so i game a lot. i also like cycling and hiking.
- i really enjoy playing with other people and rally miss it right now, another clan died, RIP. i'd really love to meet some new people, and play with them.
- i own all the expansions for destiny 2 and i plan on buying all future expansions as well, with the amount of time i played, i definitely got my moneys worth out of it