Division Destiny 2

Application Status
Date Submitted
2020-04-15 01:05:41
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2020-04-15 08:51:35

- I am currently focusing on Destiny 2.
- Hobbies generally include video games, camping, movies and shows, and Story. Although, I don't get out much recently (even before COVID). I'm a corporate service desk analyst team lead and trainer. I've played Soccer, Lacrosse, and Rugby (not recently, but still). I was pretty good too.
- I want to join because games are boring alone. At least this one can be. Don't get me wrong, I'm a solo player at heart. I love me a good Mass Effect series runthrough (1-3) or a Dragon Age session, but Destiny 2 really is more fun with like minded people.
- I am free to play. I'm EST time zone. I usually get off around 5:30-6 during the week and play the rest of the night. I'm also usually available and playing during the weekend. I do have Shadowkeep.

More Info:
Veteran D1 player - I played D1 since the open Beta all those years ago on Console. Played back when the Gjallarhorn were the meta for the Vault of Glass. I'm not a stranger to Raids and Raid Mechanics, but I am not an expert. I raided in D2 back when it came out, but I haven't touched the other raids at all (I would really like to though).
I essentially got bored with D2 for a while, came back for each expansion and played the story, got some new exotics, etc. then left. Last played Warmind Expansion(or whatever the last one was) and am just now returning for Shadowkeep.
D2, I feel is finally at the point I wished for back when D1 first came out, so I'm really interested to see all the end game group content. I'm not big on PVP, but I'll have my nights where I sit in Crucible to finish bounties. I'll wreck shop some matches and get pwnd in others. I do pretty decent in Gambit matches as well - ofc this is all based on randoms - Clan v Clan I dont have experience with so we'll see.

Sorry for the research paper length - figured I'd give you all the base info I could.

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