Division Destiny 2

Application Status
Date Submitted
2021-03-08 15:10:45
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2021-03-08 15:48:58

Which games are you focusing on?
- Currently getting back into Destiny 2, played heavily when the game first came out and power leveled myself to 1100 across all 3 classes when that was the hard cap at the time, would run nightfalls weekly, the raid as much as possible. Since coming back this week, purchased all expansion available currently and am working to grind my characters up to 1300 (Currently at 1260).

Some biographic information (e.g. professions, other hobbies, sports etc.)
- Work in Law Enforcement out of Canada. Play hockey as a past time and always down to talk about the game with anyone. Getting into football, UFC and will watch pretty much any sport. Currently training to run a marathon in the coming months.

The reason why you would like to join Seismic
- When I'm not working or training, I usually just look to unwind, have a drink or two and relax online. Destiny is a fun game but if you don't have a tight group to grind with, it fades pretty quick. Looking for that good foundation of people to play with and enjoy the nights off.

Are you free to play or have you bought the game?
- Game is bought with all expansions currently and will buy any others that come out.

STEAM - Brynladin
Discord - Brynladin#7666

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