Division Destiny 2

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-11-04 15:07:24
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-11-05 05:10:10


- Currently focus on destiny 2, overwatch and the ocasional rounds of apex legends.
- I go by DoKrin in most games, im portuguese and 38yo as mentioned in the form. I work, managing a team of electronic technicians. Main hobbie is by far gaming usualy at night and weekends, with the ocasional movie and photography.
- As i aproach the level to play end game content (currently 960) im looking for regular people to play with that preferably dont mind teaching mechanics, without the hassle of going through LFG constantly, seismic looked very well organized, with a very pleasing branding, and your about us sugests that it is what im looking for.
- I have bought the game back on battlenet in year 1 but didnt play for long. I came back after it went free to play on steam and have since add forsaken. and when i finish the majority of this content eventualy will get shadowkeep.

Since there was 3 divisions i apply to the newest one that i assumed was growing, but if you find it more fitting another one i dont really have a preference at this point.

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