Division Destiny 2

Application Status
Date Submitted
2020-09-04 22:20:33
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2020-09-07 19:21:07

- currently I am focusing heavily on Destiny 2 and Forza Motorsport 7.

- I work a full-time job at an IT company, so my schedule during the week is quite busy. Usually I still have some energy left at the end of the day and spend that playing Destiny or Forza for 1-2h, and then generally a fair bit more on the weekends, thus I don't really have any other hobbies apart from listening to plenty of music.

- I was first introduced to Destiny 2 by two of my friends, and I got hooked very quickly. By this point I've surpassed both of them in gametime and general game knowledge. The issue is that our small group of 3 can't realistically do raids, and keeping morale up doing endgame activities each week can be difficult. That's the reason I'm looking to join a large established clan where I can quickly find people to play with; the clan I'm currently in is based in NA which makes scheduling quite an issue.

- I started on F2P, later purchased both Forsaken and Shadowkeep expansion, and most recently the Season of Arrivals pass.

* my in-game alias may be "muggsHD" if it simply shows my default steam name. "muggs" was already taken when I registered so I had to choose something else.*

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