Division SG-XI

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-08-02 15:30:23
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-08-05 16:31:15

Hi, my name is Daniel I am 22 and from Northern Ireland. I am currently a student completing a childcare course to move onto university to study social work. I currently have a qualification in providing care for children and young adults with specials needs. I work part time between subway and I also have started to sub teach within a special needs setting. I spend my time between studying, my family/friends & partner and of course gaming. I picked up R6S towards the end of burnt horizon and have solo qeued ranked gold 3, solo queueing I maintained a mid-hig silver rank and have recently played with friends and achieved gold 2 and advancing Showing my ability to quickly gel and listen to my team to get the job join. I have looked and read a little about this team only to realise that it is much more than that, it's a family/community and I find that very appealing in something I feel I could add to as not only a player but a friend to all. Thanks

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