Division Among Us

Application Status
Transfer Accepted
Date Submitted
2020-03-07 20:36:24
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2020-03-07 23:09:23

Good day fellow Guardian reading this, my name is David, or Dave and I am a 19 year old guy attempting the A-levels in Germany at the moment. I would say my English is decent enough to join an english clan, so, here I am. I am a very sarcastic human being but can be serious when requested. My interests lie in slaying aliens in Destiny 2 since they're douchebags and trying to socialize with other weirdos. As i said, i still visit school but I do play a lot of video games in my freetime and sometimes tennis, if i have the time to do so. I would like to join because I am looking for some people to play Destiny with, be it new lighters or hardcore grinders.. I've grinded my way up to the hard cap and am ready to compete in raids, pvp... whatever I am offered. I really do hope this little application is enough since I don't like reading much nonsense myself,
David aka. TscharleZ

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