Division Apex Legends

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-05-07 01:26:14
Reviewd By
SG_Lord Morticide
Date Reviewed
2019-05-07 11:38:14


My real name is Luke and I'm by trade an IT support and software developer! Outside of gaming I enjoy building Pc's, having le banter and just trying to compete and chill at the same time (a paradox amirite!) But outside of the IT world I managed to get into MENSA and being left handed that made it extra unique I guess lol, I prefer to be the dumbest guy in the room than the smartest though, always things to learn! :D
I take the time to put in work and build myself a stable curve of performance which in other games such as WoW I've then been able to provide as a learning platform for others so, I like to help out if I feel like I can!
I'd like to join Seismic as I'd like to not just play Apex Legends solo or with people that just wander off and swear down the mic etc, I mean pray to RNJesus for just 1 solid PUG right :D also, you guys were the first EU based Clan i'd found in the LFC section and I thought your artwork looked interesting so I thought "why not give it a shot?"

Thanks for taking the time out to read my application.

Kind regards,


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