Division Apex Legends

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-03-24 14:46:55
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-03-24 14:57:26

Hello! My name is Jennie and I'm from NYC. While I do love gaming, my other passions include performing (singing, dancing, playing piano, guitar, ukulele, etc.), cooking and baking, and dabbling in arts and crafts.

I studied music in college and upon graduation I found myself working full time in a school for students 18-21 with disabilities. Those students were (and continue to be) my world after three years of helping them transition into being independent young adults. Unfortunately, I had to leave that job a few months ago to seek out more flexible options.

Working in a special needs school is something that helped to strengthen my teamwork skills. I found myself showing levels of patience that I never imagined I could. For some of my students, an accomplishment that might seem minuscule to a "typical" young adult is actually an enormous step in their progress towards independent living - and that "small" accomplishment could take anywhere from a few minutes to a few months or even a few years of instruction. When it does happen, the feeling is overwhelming and I imagine it is the same feeling a parent gets when they see their child succeed... almost like in the back of your mind you understand that you helped them get to where they are, but realizing that it's really all them, and if anything, they've been the ones helping to make you a better person all along. I know I'm somewhat rambling but I really loved my job and my students.

I am very new to using discord and to be honest, I just came across this page today when I was browsing through forums for Apex. Something about Seismic gave me a good feeling. I'm looking for a friendly, open, non-toxic environment where I can make friends to play games with. I've made a few friends in game while playing Apex, but I'm kind of tired of dealing with randoms that leave the game last minute, or go to the other end of the map, or say hateful things just for the sake of being mean. I'm a very flexible player (willing to land anywhere or play as any character) and I always do whatever's best for the team. That being said, I'm really looking for people with the same mindset and gaming integrity. ^_^

I hope this application wasn't too long! Thank you for your consideration!

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