Division Apex Legends

Application Status
Transfer Accepted
Date Submitted
2019-03-07 21:44:47
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-03-09 22:08:14

Hi, I am Chris. Apart from playing video games I really enjoy driving my motorcycle, playing with the pup, and going out for drinks with my close friends. If I am not behind a monitor I am either at work or camping! I am currently just a low paid cashier however, I recently applied to a tech store called THE SOURCE. My favorite color is magenta because its bright as hell and doesn't let you forget that haha. I am from Canada in a small city called Burlington, yes it is near toronto, no we don't say Ey a lot, and yes... It would be cool to own a polar bear. I'd love to go to school graphic design or something like that but I never really had a talent for it so I am figuring out other options. I am that one guy that consistently forgets his mic is muted but never stops talking.

In Game Name is either TheLotusPlays or LastReplays (Should have changed from LastReplays but IDK!)
Battle.net username is LastLotus.

I actually came here from LookingForAClan.com
None of my friends play destiny or even play PC so I haven't really had to chance to play the game. I joined to find people that enjoy the game and want to not only play it, but have fun with friends on it.

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