Division Apex Legends

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-02-21 22:03:32
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-02-21 22:10:21

Been Competitively Gaming for 20 odd years.
began with MW2 -> UT series - > CoD (thru MW1) -> WoT,WT,WoWS, WoWp.

I have always been in top clans and as an active member.
I have long since learned that teamwork and cooperation, not only wins games but improves everyone involved.

I am just starting out in Apex (like everyone else i guess), but it is my first 1st person shooter in a while.
I am hoping to meet some new people and get my old grove back.

Since Apex Legends has zero freinding capability, joining a large group seems like my best bet to accomplish my objectives.

I have a wife and 2 kids, gaming is my main hobby (wife is sooo happy about it to :D), and I drive for a living.

no idea what else you would want :p

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