Division SG-DXVIII

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-01-29 12:14:16
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-01-29 19:10:09

My background is in the games/film industries, and been gaming all my life.
As a long term player of Bioware titles, I thought I would take a look at Anthem last weekend, and when I could actually get into a game, really enjoyed it.
Problem is, nobody I usually play with is interested in the title for various reasons, and the Anthem Primer/Detonator system means you really need to play in a organised team, with randoms would be an exercise in frustration :)

So for the first time since the heady days of Star Wars Galaxies, I'm looking to join a Guild.
I'm reliable, level headed, relatively skilful player. and think I would bring a lot to Guild Anthem teams

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