Division SG-DXVIII

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-01-28 19:39:09
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-01-28 20:11:25


As a rather experienced player I have now found my self in a pickle. Ever since the launch of World of Warcraft I have been playing with a set amount of friends online. Every so often we splinter out to play different games,but we always end up playing the same games. This time however age has caught up with us.

What started as a group of 10 friends have now been watered down to 10 friends,8 wives and a bunch children. The two of us that dont have wives and children find our self at a cross road. I am longer amused by world of Warcraft and after playing the Anthem demo I know what i will be playing in the time to come. My last other friend however will stay with world of Warcraft.

Because of that I started looking around on the net for a community or group. Anthem is not a game to play as a single player game. After a little searching I found Seismic. And then I found Mantle. Mantle got orange. I like orange. So here I am

I am a man of 29,almost 30 winters. I have played video games since i got my first playstation and Legend of Dragoon. I am an educated kindergarten teacher,and i love my work. However I have played away to much of my life away,but plan to play even more away. I can offer Seismic a player that got a little experience. I have been a part of a few big community's before(One related to Warhammer 40k,but fell apart after the game we waited for failed us. Second was related to competitive FPS games,but i got to old) Other then that iv spent my time playing with my closes game friends that live in different parts of the world.


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