Division SG-DXVIII

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-01-24 21:48:06
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-01-24 22:06:03

im a young guy with far too much time on my hands due to long term illness, dedicate myself to gaming to not go insane from boredom.
history of gaming includes (only listing over 1k hours) arma 2 + 3, elder scrolls online and ARK. also played other things but im a big verity gamer for the most part so theres a large list of things ive played for only around 200 hours

mostly joining for people to play anthem with since it comes out tomorrow (or tonight? not sure on exact time) and further into the future having a larger community to be a part of so that should a game come out that takes my interest id have people to play with.

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