Division World of Warcraft

Application Status
Date Submitted
2021-05-24 16:25:10
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2021-05-24 17:40:21

Name: Jack
Age: 27
Occupation: IT guy and Father of 1
Lives: Yorkshire
why do i play wow? Because im depressed?
WHAT do i play in wow? uhhhh Mained Guardian druid to KSM and then got a Monk to max as WW and then got a Paladin to max as Prot and then swapped my Monk to BM and then got a DH to max and hated it and then got a mage hunter rogue and shaman to max and all sitting around 215 -223 ilvl atm
What are you looking for from the community? FWENDS and FUN
Fav movie? Ones with Superpowers
Fav food? Peri-Peri Chicken Burgers From Rajas Takeaway

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