Division World of Warcraft

Application Status
Date Submitted
2021-05-03 19:03:10
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2021-05-03 20:01:33

Hi I am Blobbo, I'm from South Africa. I have been playing Wow since BC but have been more serious since Legion. I have been struggling to find a stable raiding guild. I play various games, notably would be Diablo 3 and Destiny 2. I have raided in Destiny 1 and 2.
I don't speak a lot at first, I am dyslexic so I take a while to get comfortable. The main reason why I want to join is I am looking for a more stable wow raiding environment. My goals are to get ahead of the curve every tier in Shadowlands. I started to take raiding seriously at the start of BfA where I raided heroic Uldir, I don't have any experience raiding mythic, I am willing to try it but depending on the commitments needed I may not be able to do it. I am currently looking to raid on my hunter or ret paladin.

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