Division Overwatch

Application Status
Date Submitted
2018-12-06 10:53:54
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2018-12-07 14:36:20

I am a student studying to become an electrical engineer, looking to work with electronics, components and lots of programs. All of this started by a initiative from my warm parents. Now in Second Year I am feeling the need to explore what means to be an engineer with the only defect that I know is the need to study pages of theories before placing your hands on the real deal thanks to prices and lack of self owned materials and circuits (thankfully this has mostly been solved with simulators on Windows and Linux).

When I don't study I enjoy reading fantasy books especially the ones that challenge or amuse the reader with irony and the idea of creation in this genre of literature. I am enjoying the Witcher series by Andrezj Sapkowski (currently reading The Lady OF The Lake). Science-Fiction is my next choice in genres with Dune being my favourite book. Sometimes I even write sketches and balads, with the urge to release a book one day.

I also enjoy listening to a broad array of music, such as vaporwave, synthwave, rock, old school pop, jazz, chillhop etc. I listen when studying, jogging or walking, sometimes when working and when I am gaming.

My main interest is in helping and passing knowledge to other good people as I believe information should not be censored or hidden, unless it cannot be handled by most. I enjoy helping people when capable and if the person is happy, I will be happy too. :)

Anyway after looking at your website I got a bit of a hope that your group could be the answer to a current routine in my gaming sessions, that being the lack of interest to talk, joke or even have fun at all. I want to join Seismic because from your statement I except a place filled with mature and fun people that I can talk with.

I am a kind and gentle person, a bit shy at first until I get to know the person/s (which I hope won't render anyone to talk with me :) ). I want to play and talk and have fun. I hope my statement is going to be seen with consideration, with my only wish to be seen as a possible new member of your family.

Thank you for your time.

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