Division Overwatch

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-10-08 21:37:09
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-10-11 12:56:42

My Name is Martin Brabenec, I am 22 years old and live in Austria near Vienna.
I am currently working in Facility Management for a Electronics Company.
Besides working I also go to night school twice a week to get my study permit.
I am playing Overwatch since it first came out but I didn't play much the last year, and pretty much got back into it because i saw an add for the play-offs for the OWL 2019 and after watching one or two matches I totally fell back in love with the game.
I have to admit that I don´t always have much time to play video games but that is one more reason I would like to join you, because if I do have time I would prefer to play with people I know rather that just 5 random people who do not even wanna talk to me, and maybe even have fun playing.
Outside of playing video games I also go to the gym twice a week, I try at lease.
I also love magic, I am not good at it but its fun to see peoples reactions if you for example pull out your fire wallet in a grocery store, or perform a simple trick and get amazing reactions out of it.
During weekends I like to hang out with my friends have a couple beers and just chill.
I don´t know what else to write so I´am gonna leave it at that.
If you have any questions you can contact me anytime.
Battle Tag: Matn#2174
E-Mail: Martin.brabenec@live.at

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