Division SG-DVIII

Application Status
Date Submitted
2018-12-07 00:57:11
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2018-12-07 01:11:33

Hello there! (Had to re-do this by the way, the other one was weirdly enough not connected to the right Discord??)
Name's Sepa, you don't have to call me Daddy, no worries. Anywho, despite the obviously weird name that I've given myself, I'm really a chill person. I've played FPS games for a very big part of my childhood, ranging from the older days of Battlefield, such as 2142 (Don't get me started on how GREAT that damn game was.) or even CS:GO. I fell in love with Battlefield V the moment the beta came out, I never tend to care for what others may think, I love the game and that's that. I don't consider myself a pro player, although I don't consider myself average either, maybe a bit above? I don't know play with me and you tell me, damn.
As for who I am, well, I'm 20, live in Canada and I'm still a student with a part time job, trying to y'know... Not die. So gaming is my escape! -Help-.
Aaaanyways, hope to see some of you as my squad mates, toodles.

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