Division Call of Duty

Application Status
Date Submitted
2018-11-22 21:13:06
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2018-11-22 23:25:14

Hello, my name is Dusan but everyone calls me Dook. I'm a 29 year young, life-long gamer from Serbia. Looking to find some more friends to game with. I play any and all genres of games, my gaming portfolio as far as the number of titles I've played in my life is (i would assume) elite. I'm not a hardcore gamer, I prefer having fun, but I'm also not a super casual player. I'm pretty chill, years of gaming taught me not to get too frustrated over games, I'm tolerant towards players that are worse than me, and in general, don't mind playing with them. What I'm looking for most of all, is people I can have fun with. Simple as that. Your recruiting message hit the bang on the buck for me, so I decided to go ahead and apply. I am currently unemployed, tho I do work as an English translator, just not full-time. Currently developing an idea for starting a new business among some friends. Apart from gaming, I'm a fiend for music of all genres and the Boston Celtics.

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