Division Call of Duty

Application Status
Date Submitted
2020-01-05 15:46:08
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2020-01-06 14:56:32

My name is Elizabeth and I'm from the US but living in Izmir, Turkey working as an English Teacher. I am a morning lover and cat person who loves technology. Some of my hobbies include casual gaming, painting, drawing, hiking and just hanging out with friends. I play OW and COD MW currently but i've also recently played some WoW Classic. I want to join an active and fun community where I can make some friends and have fun playing COD MW. Most of my friends are in the OW community. I've tried joining a few gaming communities but I haven't found anything that made me feel welcome. Nor have I found members who are playing MW. I have never been a part of a gaming community before, but I would like to join a good one for my first time.

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