Division Halo

Application Status
Date Submitted
2021-11-21 22:04:43
Reviewd By
SG_CPVG (Public)
Date Reviewed
2021-11-22 07:07:03

I want to join Seismic because I've moved to playing Halo Infinite over World of Warcraft. I've been a part of two clans so far and left both. The toxicity of some of the players made me leave. I don't like hearing jokes about violence, listening to people scream into their mic at the other players constantly while losing, or being called a *&^%ing ret^^&ed idiot for having different opinions about a gun the clan leader thinks is bad. I am a Software Developer for a bank that has worked with APIs and a little Machine Learning. My interests are video games, occasional reading of translated Japanese light novels, and riding a stationary bike. I don't have any personal hobbies at the moment that I share with others. I mostly just play video games and spend time with my aging parents and hardly go outside in the Covid climate. I just want a group of players to associate with in a friendly manner that won't make me hate a game I enjoy because the player base I associate with is terrible.

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