Division Halo

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-12-10 18:37:08
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-12-10 21:22:20

Interests: Gaming (Halo, some PC games, and Nintendo), Chatting about really whatever, Writing, Watching videos (gaming/informational videos), Movies.

Hobbies: Refer to above lol

What I do for a living: I work at UPS as a Brokerage Rater on the night shift, Monday to Friday. Its a nice and chill office job. Time is generally 4PM - 3AM, but once I get home I got to sleep anyways.

Why: I used to play Halo a lot when I was growing up, but sort of fell out of after Halo 4 due to not having an Xbox One. Now that it is coming back to PC, I want to play it again, but I don't really have any friends that play Halo anymore. I still love playing Halo on PC, but I think I'd love it even more if I had a group of people to talk to. It really helps to avoid getting stressed about winning.

Mon-Fri: I wake up around 10-11 AM, and if I don't have anything to do that day, I'll generally be available until 3PM. Although I have a large family of younger brothers and sisters, so if something comes up I'm usually called to take care of it as my parents work days.
Weekends: I'll wake up usually at around 11AM on Saturday. I work early in the morning for a few hours on Sunday, but I'm usually home by noon. Unless I am busy that day with errands, I will usually be online all day, and well into the night. (I tend to run out of steam around 3-4 AM.
Timezone: EST (Kentucky)

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