Division Halo

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-12-08 05:30:21
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-12-08 08:37:12

Hello, I'm Phil but I go by the pseudonym of NullZero. I'm 26, from Brighton UK, and I'm a software engineer, infrastructure architect, and admin that specialises in web applications (primarily back-end).

I'm an avid FPS player, and have been playing HaloPC since 2005. Whilst I have played other games of differing genres over the years , it has been my go-to game to play into the night. I enjoy the odd casual big team game, but often find myself competitive in nature when playing.

Outside of computers, I play badminton (played a few times for England as a junior), but nowadays I find myself feeling weak in the gym.

I'd like to join SG:
- to find like-minded friends
- to regularly play with other casual and competitive players alike
- because I'm drawn to the ethos of putting members first - sounds like less politics/drama
- because the website is generally nice (loads fast, UI/UX isn't too bad, and Discord OAuth integration), and the discord is set up well
- interaction with @SG_Glyco through the ticketing system was friendly and prompt

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