Division Halo

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-12-02 20:11:46
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-12-02 20:30:52

Well im currently in college, and when I am not working i am always playing a FPS like Warface, Warframe, Halo 1 and 2 on the PC, etc. I love to play with others because team work makes the game so much more fun just talking, joking, and making memories with people. Hobbies are watching movies, playing video games(obviously), reading since my mom is an author, hanging out with friends. I work at Cricket Wireless, but plan to go into Software Engineering after college. I was interested in Seismic because I saw a clan recruitment form in the Halo Discord, and since I was in the third flight program as well as the recruiter I thought it would be fun to have a group to interact and progress with!

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