Division Halo

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-12-02 02:58:41
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-12-02 07:33:01

My name is Nolan, aka DJ Androm3da. I'm a DJ who spins electro house tracks at local eSports bars for my fellow gamers and party people. I'm also learning how to produce my own in FL Studio and enjoy collaborating with friends to pick up new things and get inspiration. Recently I graduated college with a degree in computer sciences and am looking for a job in that field. I want to become a member of Seismic because the upcoming release of the Master Chief Collection on PC has gotten me very excited to play the Halo games I missed out on as during the seventh generation of consoles I did not own a Xbox 360 and couldn't play 3, ODST, Reach or 4 when they were released. I still played the original and 2 making me no stranger to the series as a whole and playing Halo 2 online through Xlink Kai (a tunneling program) has given me experience in playing competitively on a team. Even if I'm nowhere near the greatest Halo player, I still feel like I can support my teammates and be a valuable asset to our team.

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