Division Halo

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-11-22 08:52:53
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-11-22 10:36:16

Hello, my name is Wyatt, I game a lot and figured I should make some friends on a game that was very close to my heart; Halo Reach. I am starting youtube once Halo is out on pc, although I have had other channels in the past. I am looking for a group of friends to play the game with as well as to collaborate on videos(or stream) with. My interests include gaming as well as camping. For my job I work at a skating rink which I find pretty cool. The reason I want to join Seismic is that I want to be in a group of nice individuals and have people around me with the same mindset and interests as I do. For reference on time played-as I saw it was a requirement- I tend to play about 10-15 hours a week normally. Thanks for reading about me! Best regards,

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