Division Destiny 2

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-10-25 12:47:35
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-10-26 00:03:59

Hi guys,

I play multiple games on the go, so that I don't become fully worn out with the excessive grind. I did take a long break with Destiny because the previous clan I was in, became dead, and solo wasn't fun. Not to mention IRL situations put gaming on the back burner. I work in sales and generally if you ask me what my hobbies are, it's just gaming really. PC, PS4, Xbox? Got them all.

I'm interested in coming back into the game in a semi competitive to casual stance. I will be playing other games, such as ArcheAge Unchained, Black Desert Online, and single player games if they interest me.
The reason you guys stood out to me, was that you're a community that at least from what I saw, was open to new players and old, but demanded respect of piers. It's not something seen in most communities these days. I also liked that you accept OCE players, as I am playing from Australia, and time zones can be difficult.

I hope to hear back from you guys to see if I can be more invested in this game for the future to come.



PS: Just call me Night

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