PLEASE READ: Although this is a Sherpa run, please be aware that because this is a Prestige Raid you will be expected to have run normal Leviathan several times before being allowed to join. If you haven't had a lot of experience with Levi then please sign up for a normal Sherpa run so as to familiarize yourself with the mechanics of each encounter. I WILL NOT be teaching people how to do the normal Leviathan mechanics, only explaining the changes that the Prestige mode incorporates.
Gear Recommendations: High RPM Auto/Pulse rifle (e.g. Valakadyn, Misfit), Decent Shotty (Threat Level, IKELOS), High DPS weapon (e.g. Wardcliff Coil, Coldheart, 1K Voices etc.)
Class Requirements (min.):
Any and all welcome, although a Warlock with Luna's is always appreciated!