Division Destiny 2

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-03-27 06:06:33
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-03-27 11:27:48

Hi ya'll, I'm 30 y.o., casual gamer who games as much as I can. I'm an RN, and my free days are spent at home with the wife and kid, taking em out, goin places, or just stayin home enjoyin a movie. Any freer time I spend gaming. Mostly play Destiny, need to get better at PVP, never done a raid coz with the kid and work it's tricky participating in one, but hey, a guy can dream right? I've been gaming solo for the longest time and just thought it would be a great change to be part of an active clan. Seismic seem's like it's quite organized and established, and I feel like there's something here for everyone and if people need help with something you've got a resource for it.

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