Division Destiny 2

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-03-05 04:05:05
Reviewd By
SG_Lord Morticide
Date Reviewed
2019-03-05 12:48:21

Born in Ohio, parents went on vacation to Texas, and never went back. I won't say much else except small nuggets of info, because life is the story, but the present is what matters.
Server Tech that hates working on my own stuff, Army 20 years and retired as a CW3, friends call me Chief.
Family first, job second, Dr. Pepper 3rd, gaming last.
I'm the epitome of an introvert until you get to know me, then I'm a meth addict on turrets.
My friends know they are friends, and the casual acquaintances have no clue where they stand.
I play Magic the Gathering, Anthem, Skyrim, Overwatch, had a stint in WoW, SWTOR, all the way back to Ultima Online, so I've gamed a lot.
I want to join a clan that I can team up with doing events, raids, maybe some PVP, I'm already light level 650, but without peers in gaming, the grind becomes too much for a casual.
I can follow a schedule, and love to help if asked, but I don't put myself out there due to the introvertedness.

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