Division Destiny 2

Application Status
Date Submitted
2022-07-14 23:21:51
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2022-07-15 17:28:02


I'm Jennifer/Taco, age wise I'm over 30 so let's not focus too much on the specific number :P I've been playing Destiny 2 for several years now, I have a handful of friends who play but their interests don't usually align with mine (pvp = no thank you). I'm looking for friends to play with, anything from weeklies to farming GMs (I really just want to be Taco Conqueror..) to farming red border weapons. I don't mind helping people if I know the activity such as Duality, or some raids/dungeons.

I have all of the expansions + deluxe edition and don't mind doing old or new content. I firmly believe that Destiny is the Bestiny and that Titans are the superior class. I can play on any character but please don't ask me to jump on my warlock.. it's not pretty.

My main interest in Seismic is that it seems very inclusive, there are pvp players but you aren't forced to. That there are weekly runs and people willing to teach and help, I'd like to learn and be able to help teach others. I have a fairly open schedule at the moment, I'm going back to university for a degree and will be in my final semester this fall. I generally play several times a week. I try to get along with everyone, I may have a slight bias against Cubs fans but really I feel like that can't be held against me.

I think that's everything! If you can't tell I'm a fan of Tacos :D

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