Division Destiny 2

Application Status
Date Submitted
2022-06-19 21:34:27
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2022-06-19 21:39:53

What's up i'm Arcapollo, I'm a software developer by profession, and I've been an MMO and FPS gamer for around 15 years. I've been playing destiny 2 on and off since launch, I have mostly played destiny solo, but I've managed to convince a few friends to join me a long the way but all have stopped playing.

I've managed to go as far as I can solo and with LFG's but I'm looking for a group of semi casual players to join for group activities like raids and dungeons. I've belonged to multiple guilds in World of Warcraft for many years, and have always fitted in well and become core members of raid teams etc. I've since stopped playing WoW and have started dedicating my free gaming time to Destiny again. I like the look of Seismic as it looks like a chill environment with plenty of people to play with, and I think I'll fit right in. :)

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