Division Destiny 2

Application Status
Date Submitted
2022-04-26 15:56:48
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2022-04-26 16:21:39

Hello, there!

I'm Rip and am a lifelong FPS gamer. In my youth, I played in online comps, at LANs, and just about everything in-between across titles such as Halo 3, R6: Vegas and CoD. It's always been with groups of friends and never been a pro, but all good fun!

I'm getting a bit older and whilst I still enjoy competition in gaming, IRL responsibilities are ever growing and I'm really looking to enjoy games these days. However, it's hard to find people to consistently play with and relying on LFGs or random MM is tiring.

Knewklear reached out to me on Reddit, and I'd like to join the clan to find some folks to play with regularly, especially when it comes to Destiny, but also other FPS games, too! Given my aforementioned experience, I can offer a competition hardened player that can compete in PvP environments. I've run LH carries in Trials before - freely, I've never asked for follows or money as I don't think that's what gaming should be about. I don't judge those who do, it just isn't my vibe.

I own all Destiny expansions, have a maxed Hunter, maxed Warlock, and a Titan at GM level. I've x2 gilded Flawless and Unbroken, and have most seasonal seals.

In other games, I hit Onyx on Halo Infinite (Solo Duo and Crosslay), and I'm in Diamond on Apex (which I just started really playing the ranked mode of this season.)

The only other thing is I play on PS5. I am looking into getting a gaming PC, but being completely honest that might not be for a while. I know I selected PC, btw - but couldn't see a PS option.

Other than gaming, I'm an ex-skateboarder, ex-snowboarder, ex-footballer, but still enjoying them all from time to time when my body permits it!

Finally, I work in tech as a user experience designer (which means I design things like apps, websites and voice skills.)


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