Division Destiny 2

Application Status
Date Submitted
2022-02-06 01:36:27
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2022-02-06 17:54:11

I am Roadhou5, I am 30 years old and I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I have been playing Destiny on and off since D1 and am looking to get back into it. None of my friends that I used to play with are coming back so I need to make some new ones! I mostly play AAA games but recently I have been getting more into Rogue-Likes and platformers. Some other interests I have are hockey (Canadian), Football, Comic Books, and Starwars.

I'd like to join your Clan because it seems chill, helpful, well organized, and mature. I'd eventually like to try the Raids, but as of right now it is impossible to progress through this game without a dedicated group of people around to help with the little things. For instance, jumping back in a couple of weeks ago, I find it impossible to get a group to run Grasp of Avarice or the Shattered Realm. I've been digging the survival playlist as well and it would be cool to get a dedicated team together for that, or trials.

I have a full-time job and would mostly play evenings in the mountain time zone. I've been gaming forever and have led raids on WoW in the past so I understand most guild dynamics and what it means to be an older dude in a guild.

I mainly play on PC and have Witch Queen Pre-ordered right now. But, I have Beyond Light for PS5 only I wanted to switch to ps5 exclusive but I hate the controller.

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